Submit your Class, Lesson, or PRO Tip.
PNW Social EDU is a diverse community of professionals who contribute lessons for those interested in learning.

How to become a teacher
Submit your Class, Lesson, or PRO Tip.
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We accept all family friendly educational content from educators, creators, makers, and professionals.
All educational content must be appropriate for all ages. We embed your "How To" videos so you get the YouTube, Insta/FB, or TikTok views directly from Classes & Lessons and students are able to follow and subscribe.
All educational content must be appropriate for all ages. We embed your "How To" videos so you get the YouTube, Insta/FB, or TikTok views directly from Classes & Lessons and students are able to follow and subscribe.
+Content must be appropriate for all ages.
+Must be educational, not a sales pitch.
+Inviting students to follow & subscribe to your own edu channel is acceptable.
+Trying to sell students your product or service is not acceptable.
+Must be educational, not a sales pitch.
+Inviting students to follow & subscribe to your own edu channel is acceptable.
+Trying to sell students your product or service is not acceptable.
All of our Course are ready for more information from people just like you. Join the team now. We are currently looking for more DIY, Life Hacks, Fitness, Diet, Auto, and all other PRO "How To" edu/videos would be great.
Video submissions are great because our team will can create supporting article content in minutes by leveraging the power of Ai to do all the heavy lifting.
Video submissions are great because our team will can create supporting article content in minutes by leveraging the power of Ai to do all the heavy lifting.