Calling ALL Influencers, Creators, and Educators! Share Your EDU Content w/ Tags & Embed Your Videos in Lessons
Welcome to EDU PNW, the only Free Microlearning platform of it’s kind. We have hundreds of Lessons with hundreds of video embeds from influencers, educators, doctors, and How To DIYers with awesome PRO Tips just like you.
Video Embeds
We directly embed videos to empower influencers and reward them for sharing useful information. All 101 level Lessons can be completed in 5 minutes or less, and nearly every Lesson has a Watch & Learn More section at the bottom where we embed your videos.
Lessons may contain multiple relevant video embeds pertaining to the topic from various sources. That means, we can add your existing videos to existing Lessons to help the community learn more, while you enjoy the views. 😉
Family Friendly
EduPNW.com is a family friendly learning environment where all can flourish at their own pace. Iron sharpens iron, and we can all learn from each other. All ships rise with the tide.
Free Education
The current education system is failing our youth, and “you can learn anything you want for free.” x All 101 Courses are free, with no registration required. Simple. Clean. Learning.
We do plan on accepting donations, selling merch, featuring course sponsors, and charging for Master Classes or Events in the future, however, all 101 Courses are free.
In today’s social media world, everyone is an influencer. If you have relevant educational information you’d like to share, please let us know.
Become a Teacher
Tag:EDU, How To, Influencers, Microlearning, Teachers